The objective of this CD-Laboratory is to conduct basic research in
the fields of sustainability sciences and social sciences to (i) operationalize the concepts of Sustainable Development and Circular Economy on the corporate and product level, (ii) use the full potential of digitization for Sustainable Product Management and (iii) understand decision-making processes in companies and in supply networks as the basis of a lifecycle-wide implementation of SPM.
Furthermore, the focus lies on the development of new methods and tools for sustainability assessment and product design that exploit the potential of new digital technologies.
The CD-Laboratory is based at the Department of Environmental Systems Sciences (ESS), University of Graz.

The Department of Environmental Systems Sciences researches possibilities for the transition to a more sustainable future. To this end, we investigate transition, innovation and adaptation processes in socio-technical and socio-ecological systems at various levels.
We base our research on systems, innovation and transition sciences as well as sustainability sciences and develop and apply inter- and transdisciplinary methods to analyse and model complex systems, create scenarios and transition pathways and evaluate policies and strategies.
The department is characterised by the disciplinary diversity of its members. Highly motivated and excellent researchers from various fields of natural, social and formal sciences work together on real-world problems.